Beyond Terror Happens To Ordinary People

By Essie Osborn

Horror movies are fun to watch and they really take individuals into another world for a short period of time. People who make these movies know that their audience love sudden surprises which will take them beyond terror. One male living within the United States took his love of films to an entire new level when he started killing gay guys.

Each and every evening he would look for males who were selling their bodies for money. He also enjoyed interacting with homeless guys who would only be around for a couple of days. The male made sure that he had plenty of alcohol and drug related items within his car in order to entice these helpless guys. This was also a guy who practiced evil magic every day of the year.

When he was a child he would often torture animals that were living within the neighborhood. His parents would find dead cats, birds, dogs and other creatures buried in their backyard. This behavior went on for quite a long time but the boy's parents simply ignored everything. They could not really handle any of these situations that were occurring on a daily basis.

Eventually the young man stopped torturing the neighborhood animals and moved on to human beings. He was also secretly gay and could not face this fact. Over the years this male would pretend to like girls just to please his family but his true sexual emotions never vanished. He started to hate all gay males and felt that these individuals enticed him in the most sexual way.

He could not handle his secret desires for these men and therefore turned into a serial killer. People would soon learn that he was named Jeffrey Dahmer and was a cold ruthless maniac. He would then have sex with the dead bodies in a most bizarre way. Dahmer would get naked with these corpses and do all types of weird things with them. After this was over Jeffrey took a knife and cut into their skull. He enjoyed eating their brains before placing the human remains inside a freezer.

Each and every head that he chopped off would become a part of his very weird collection. His freezer was packed with these strange looking fellows who would soon join his daily menu. They would be mixed up into hamburger, steak and any other food item that Jeffrey desired. He would truly enjoy these individuals in a matter of time.

The doctors in the psychiatry field felt that this man was humiliating gays even more by having a bowel movement after eating them. All of these men that were tortured truly believed that Dahmer was their friend and that he wanted to help them in some special way.

Once the crime scene was discovered by the police Jeffrey Dahmer had already killed and ate dozens of men. He had finally satisfied his need to even the score with gays within his neighborhood. All of the other tenants in his building thought of him as a loner with no friends. He met his demise while living in prison.

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